Digital Transformation
We seek to serve companies and institutions to digitize their infrastructure, in line with the goals of Vision 2030.
Digital Marketing
Our goal is to invest all platforms and marketing tools to serve your brand through creative and innovative methods.
Creative Design
We create and professionally produce the commercial identity in a professional and innovative manner that reflects and expresses your commercial identity.
Digital Menu
Create your own digital food and beverage menu for your restaurant or cafe.
Electronic billing system, compatible with Zakat,Tax and Customs Authority.
Indoor Mapping
The indoor mapping system will help the user to map his itinerary inside public buildings such as malls, airports and railway stations.
Generate WhatsApp Link To Chat
Create multiple WhatsApp links for your customers without needing to add phone numbers to their contacts.
الفرق بين الشعار slogan و العبارة الوصفية tagline
هناك العديد من الأدوات المستخدمة في عالم التسويق، تهدف إلى جذب انتباه المستهلكين وتحويلهم إلى عملاء. من بين هذه الأدوات: شعار الشركة "slogan" والعبارة الوصفية "tagline". وغالبًا ما تثير هذه الأدوات تساؤلات لدى الناس، حيث يجد البعض صعوبة في... ...
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